
I discovered blogging in the early aughts and haven’t looked back since, though during this stretch I’ve blogged at a range of different places. Excited Pixels is a few things: a place to bring together (most of) my past personal writings, and a space to create personal work going forward.1

My focus for the past many years has been in the area of technology, security, privacy, and politics, with a good dashing of photography thrown into the mix. I use Excited Pixels to write about, and share, content that I’m frankly excited, interested, piqued, or annoyed about. This is very much a personal blog and, as such, is reflective of what are often momentary or transitory musings and, in other cases, functions as a kind of sketchbook where I play out different ideas or interests. Content here is distinguished from, say, that on my professional website insofar as what’s on Excited Pixels is rarely a ‘finished’ bit of work or completed thoughts on a given topic. There is a lot more content here than befits a site created in mid-2017: the archives go back to about 2012 or so, with content culled from earlier personal websites that never quite felt right.

In short, Excited Pixels is my online home for my permanent personal writings and periodic photographic exploits. I also post photos to Glass on a daily basis.

  1. For professional writings, see www.christopher-parsons.com ↩︎
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