

About a year or so ago I switched the theme on this blog. It was the first time I was really diving into a more visual front end, with featured images creating a neat visual aesthetic for each post. ​

It was cool but just didn’t align with how I make material for the web. I’ve been blogging since the late 90s and am very much an elder millennial, and still like some of those older 1 blog styles. So I’ve reverted back to a much more typical blog format that still displays photos acceptably.2

It’s just slightly above a lateral move, but does include some things that I like:

  • Anyone who accesses the website from the web will see full posts
  • A decent search option is at the top of the website
  • It’s hopefully more apparent how multi-level menus ‘work’

I’ve also gone through and cleaned up my tags once more. I did this about a year ago but another pass should make things more consistent. Really, the key value is in recommending related posts over anything else.

  1. Some could say classic or ‘retro aesthetics ↩︎
  2. And the current theme displays captions correctly….why is this such an issue for WordPress themes!?’ ↩︎

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